
Schedule Targets:

Functional Minimum

  • A working player that flies around the world in a fixed screen. *Done
  • Working guns. Projectiles should despawn. *Done
  • A primary weapon system that fires projectiles along an axis, should be nearly but not quite straight. Axis does not rotate. *Done
  • A secondary weapon system that fires projectiles along an axis. *Done
  • An enemy that flies onto the screen, fires along an axis and leaves the screen. *Done

Low Target

  • Proper Camera Size *Done
  • A background spawning system that can spawn segments of terrain. *Done
  • Terrain segments that move. *Done
  • A switch mechanism for the secondary weapon. *Partial Implimentation
  • An ammo mechanism for the secondary weapon.
  • A second primary weapon. *Done
  • Enemies that fire towards the player. *Done
  • Functional minimum polished.

Desired Target

  • Three primary weapons.
  • 3d Art for the main ship.
  • 3d art for one antagonist ship.
  • An enemy spawning system. *Partial Implimentation
  • More to be decided.

High Target

  • A demo level based on the above.


  • Different enemy types
  • Different weapon types.
  • Bosses
  • More levels.